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Love not the world nor the things of the world ,for he who love the world the love of God is not in him.1JOHN 2:15


•There as secular education and there is religious education.

•Secular schools seek secular education, and sacred schools receive sacred accreditation—each by their own peers.


•Religious institutions need no secular accreditation because they offer no secular degrees.

•Secular accreditation associations in turn are recognized by governmental agencies. They trace their authority back to the capitol of a country, like Washington, D.C.


•Religious accrediting associations are recognized by the Church of Jesus Christ, which has no supreme central office on earth. Our authority is derived directly from Heaven.

•Civil and religious interests are different and have separate realms of jurisdiction.


•The State is not superior to the Church. The Church need not wait for approval from the secular world.

•Civil agencies should not be dictating standards of Christian education, any more than a police officer should be directing the worship of God.


•Theological Seminaries should not be accredited by accrediting associations that are "recognized" by an agency of the federal government, because it is contrary to the Biblical principle of "Separation of Church and State," indicated by Christ when He said, "...Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's..." (Mark 12:17).

•What business does a Christian educator have going to the world of unbelievers for recognition and acknowledgment when 2 Corinthians 6:14 clearly tells us, "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness?"


•A Christian educational institution securing accreditation from an association which is attached to a governmental agency is a Scripturally condemned and unholy union as James 4:4 says, "Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God?"


  • Students who want federal (and sometimes state) grants and loans need to attend a college, university, or program that is the government.

  • We feel that many of these loans and smal grants are no more than a trap for many  they will forever be in debt ....(not Gods plan)

  • Employers ask if a college, university, or program is accredited before deciding to provide tuition assistance to current employees, evaluating the credentials of new employees, or making a charitable contribution.

  • The federal government requires that a college, university, or program be accredited in order to be eligible for federal grants and loans or other federal funds.

  • State governments require that a college, university, or program be accredited when they make state funds available to students or institutions and when they allow students to sit for state licensure examinations in some professional fields.



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